Maple Gel Guild
In the year 2015 four people were brought together by one quest...to make a Tales of Series Convention in Canada. With no experience in planning a convention each party member fought through the tutorial to gain experience and put on the convention in 2016. Through word of mouth, both in person and online, they grew their community. One they called Maple Gel Guild, as an homage to their Canadian roots, the word was spread and started reaching the people. The more they grew the more the community leveled up, it was no longer just a community, it became a family. With principles founded in love, respect and kindness the party was able to have a successful first year. The demand was there and they were willing to answer the call each year. As they leveled up so did the convention, and the people. More people learned of who Maple Gel Guild are and were determined to attend.
As the convention grew the party realized they needed some help, and thus brought on new party members to fill in roles they hadn't known needed filling. The community welcomed these new additions and were happy to see their beloved Maple Gel Con grow and adapt.
Armed with their mascots Bastion and Fenni, the party seeks to continue leveling up and continuing to create the best experience for their attendees that they possible can. They grew to not just be a party....but Guild Leaders, guiding this community and being the pillar of Maple Gel Con.
Meet the Guild Leaders!
Eric- Coordinator/Photographer

Tales of Symphonia was Eric's first 'Tales of' game all the way back in 2005. He introduced it to his best friend Kate, who in turn, introduced Eric to Tales of Xillia and so much more. In 2018, Eric spearheaded the Maple Gel Booster, a cosplay photography fundraiser to help raise money for Maple Gel Con in 2019. As a freelance Producer, Production Manager and Post-Production Supervisor, leading teams in the world of independent film in Toronto for the past 7 years, Eric brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Maple Gel Con as the con's new Coordinator.
Photo by Cassie Cassibo
Nikki - Finances/Volunteer Coordinator

Nikki started playing Tales games in 2010, when a friend handed her a copy of Tales of Symphonia, saying she had to play it because she would love it. He was absolutely right. As soon as she beat that game she quickly started on Tales of the Abyss. In less than a year she had started teaching herself to sew, Nikki and her sister attended Anime North for the first time cosplaying Presea Combatir and Raine Sage respectively. The next year she cosplayed Dist the Rose (ROSE DAMMIT), and has since been seen at MGC as Gnome, Leia, and a Katz!
Photo by Nikki
M.R. Leach- Panels/Scheduling

Leach has been playing Tales games since the North American release of Tales of Symphonia in 2004, and got hooked on the series for good when they played Tales of Phantasia for the GameBoy Advance. Their favourite ways to pay homage to the series, aside from naming their cat after Marta from Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, as well as owning at least one copy of each mothership title so far, is by drawing plenty of fanart and cosplaying at least a dozen Tales characters and variations. They are best known for their Dhaos, Jude, and Julius cosplays (although Maple Gel veterans remember Aska the most).
Photo by M.R. Leach